6 Benefits of Facial Scrubs & How to Use Them Right

6 Benefits of Facial Scrubs & How to Use Them Right

Besides using your daily face cleansers and moisturisers, it is extremely necessary to exfoliate your skin from time to time. Irrespective of the skin type, the dead cells often get piled on the skin which might make your face look dull and gloomy. Other than boosting up the antioxidants and freshness of the skin, there are a number of the added advantages of using a natural face scrub. Let us dive in deeper and find out some of the benefits of it!

Top 6 benefits of using a facial scrub

  • Removes the dead skin cells

The dryness and dullness of your skin are often caused due to the accumulation of dead skin cells. Exfoliating your skin removes those cells and makes way for newer ones which further adds a glow to your face.

  • Unclogs the pores

Oil and sebum are produced by the skin for moisturising it naturally. However, the excess amount of it often clogs the pores and that further leads to a storage house of pollutants. You need to scrub your face at least twice a week in order to unclog the pores and eliminate the extra amount of sebum from your face.

  • Helps in better penetration of the skincare products

The dead skin cells often act as a barrier between the products you use for your skincare and your skin. That is why removing the dead skin helps in deeper penetration of the skincare products which further makes you look fresh.

  • Evens out the tone of the skin

Be it pigmentation or irregular texture of the skin, the Juicy Chemistry organic face scrub is capable of dealing with all of it with ease. By removing the dead and dry skin layer, smoothes the texture and makes you look more even-toned.

  • Removes acne scars

We often do get dark patches, acne scars or flakes on our skin. Even though you can’t really get rid of them completely, you can definitely try to make them look lighter. A natural face scrub promotes the resurfacing method of the skin. When you exfoliate the damaged skin, the acne scars automatically turn into a lighter shade.

  • Increases cell turnover

Cell turnover is the process by which the mature skin cells rise and push the dead cells out of the way. Exfoliating your skin will help you to glow better and look fresh and rejuvenated than ever!

How to use the scrub in the right way?

The natural face scrub is capable of doing wonders to your skin if you use it in the right manner. Here are the steps you should follow for paving a way for bright and unclogged skin.

1.   Choose cautiously

There are a number of face scrub products that are available in the market. But on the basis of your skin type and by checking the contents of it, pick the right one for getting fruitful results.

2.   Move ahead in circles

Once you are done with opting for the right exfoliant, it is time to apply it in the right manner. Make sure to rub your face softly in circular motions.

3.   Don’t apply extra pressure

It is quite often considered that overdoing it might add an extra glow to the face. However, it often leads to inflammation and redness and does not really benefit your skin much. So, apply it all over your face in a gentle way.

4.   Wash it properly

Wash your face with cold to lukewarm water and pat it dry with a soft towel.

It is extremely necessary to note that you should definitely exfoliate your face at least twice a week by using a natural face scrub. Besides that, keep it moisturised and hydrated for getting the best outcomes.

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